Avenger Newsletters

Newsletter-Spring-2017 (.doc format)
Notes from the President - Jan 2018
Newsletter-Fall-2018 (.doc format)
AAVA Spring 2019 Newsletter (.doc format)
AAVA 2020 Reunion - Boise


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14 Jan 2018   Hello fellow Avengers and Avengerettes,

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and is excited about our upcoming reunion in Gettysburg in June 4th-7th. It is time to start thinking about completing the registration forms and sending to Diane. I think it was some confusion on the $25.00 registration fee, it is actually a membership fee. There is no fee for the reunion.

Also wanted to remind everyone to sign up for one of the tours, I think everyone will enjoy all of the important part of our history that it covers.

I would love for each one of us to reach out to someone that has not come to the reunion in awhile or to someone who has not ever attended and encourage them to attend.

Also, if you have someone that wants to attend but may not be able to do so because of their financial situation, please let me know confidentiality and we may be able to help with this.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call one of our officers our message me.
Brothers forever,

Jim (Millard)


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